Wednesday 26 April 2023

माउण्डा-मांडोली के युद्ध में जयपुर रियासत की ओर से फागी तहसील के छोटे से राजावतों के ठिकाणे सिरस्या से पूजनीय रणसिंह जी राजावत व अन्य राजपूत योद्धा

आज से लगभग 250 साल पहले सन् 1767ई. में जयपुर रियासत की ओर से फागी तहसील के छोटे से राजावतों के ठिकाणे सिरस्या से पूजनीय रणसिंह जी राजावत व अन्य राजपूत योद्धा भरतपुर के खिलाफ हुए माउण्डा-मांडोली के युद्ध में गए थे।

उनमें से अधिकतर योद्धा युद्ध के मैदान में वीरगति को प्राप्त हो गए थे। माउण्डा-मांडोली युद्ध के दौरान रणसिंह राजावत अपने प्रचण्ड राजपूती शौर्य और पराक्रम का परिचय दे रहे थे तभी अचानक रणसिंह राजावत का सिर युद्ध करते हुए धड़ से अलग हो गया था, परन्तु इसके बाद भी उनका धड़ युद्ध लड़ने से रुका नहीं और वह कई घंटों तक युद्ध लड़ते रहे और सैंकड़ों दुश्मनों को उन्होंने मौत के घाट उतारा था।

इस प्रकार सिर के धड़ से अलग हो जाने के बाद भी वे काफी घंटों तक रणसिंह राजावत क्षत्रिय जूंझारों की भांति लड़ते हुए दुश्मनों पर काल की तरह टूट पड़े थे और सैंकड़ों दुश्मनों का खात्मा कर दिया था। माउण्डा-मांडोली के इस महायुद्ध में जयपुर रियासत की विजय हुई थी। इस युद्ध के बारे में कहते हैं कि एक ही परिवार की तीन-तीन पीढ़ियां वीरगति को प्राप्त हो गई थी और 

जयपुर रियासत में संभवत: ही ऐसा कोई ठिकाणा बचा होगा जो इस युद्ध में वीरगति को प्राप्त न हुआ हो। इसी युद्ध में जयपुर रियासत के एक छोटे से ठिकाने सिरस्या के भी 4-5 राजपूत वीर वीरगति को प्राप्त हो गए थे। युद्ध में राजपूतों को विजयश्री मिलने के बाद रणसिंह राजावत को उनका स्वामीभक्त अश्व(घोड़ा) युद्ध स्थान से अपने ठिकाने सिरस्या की ओर लेकर आ गया। गांव में आने तक रणसिंह राजावत का शरीर सचेत था।

संवत् 1824 (सन् 1767) पौष सुदी एकम का दिन था सूरज भगवान निकल रहे थे, उसी दौरान रणसिंह राजावत क्षात्र धर्म को निभा कर मां के दूध का कर्ज चुका कर ठिकाने सिरस्या के इतिहास में सदियों तक अपना नाम अमर करके गांव आ रहे थे। एक तरफ सूर्य भगवान निकल रहे थे तो दूसरी ओर राजपूतों का सूर्य रणसिंह राजावत गांव में प्रवेश कर रहे थे। गांव में प्रवेश करते समय रणसिंह जी को किसी ग्रामीण ने बिना सिर के देखकर टोक दिया कि बिना सिर का आदमी आ रहा है। तभी रणसिंह राजावत ने उसी समय गांव में स्थित एक विशाल पीपल के पेड़ के नीचे अपने प्राण त्याग दिए और राजपूताने का एक सूर्य रणसिंह राजावत अस्त हो गए। 

रणसिंह राजावत ने जहां अपने प्राण त्यागे उस स्थान उनका पर एक भव्य मंदिर हैं और इनकी पूजा इन्हीं के वंशज दुर्जनसिंह राजावतों द्वारा की जाती है। आस-पास के ग्रामीण लोग रणसिंह राजावत में खूब आस्था रखते है।

डॉ पुरेंद्र सिंह पिचानोत
ठिकाना कैरवाड़ा अलवर 

History of Kachwahas

 The Kachwaha are a Rajput clan who ruled a number of kingdoms and princely states such as Alwar, Maihar and Talcher in India. Their largest kingdom was Jaipur (Jainagara), which was founded by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II in 1727. The Maharaja of Jaipur is regarded as the head of the extended Kachwaha clan.


Vansh: Suryavansh
Descended from: Koshal (later Gird)
Ruled in: Dhundhar.
Princely States: Jaipur State

T.H. Hendley states in his Rulers of India and the Chiefs of Rajputana (1897), that the Kachwaha clan is believed to have settled in an early era at Rohtas (Rahatas) on the Son River in present-day Bihar. He notes that their notable seats of power were Kutwar, Gwalior, Dubkhund, Simhapaniya and Narwar (Nalapura) (all in present-day Madhya Pradesh). This second westward migration to Madhaya Pradesh is said to have been initiated under Raja Nala, the legendary founder of Narwar.

Historians state that the Kacchapaghatas, like the Chandellas and Paramaras, originated as tributaries of the preceding powers of the region. They point out that it was only following the downfall, during the 8th–10th centuries AD, of Kannauj (regional seat of power following the breakup of Harsha's empire), that the Kacchapaghata state emerged as a principal power in the Chambal valley of present-day Madhya Pradesh. This view is largely supported by archaeological artifacts: Kacchapaghata coinage (minted Gupta-fashion) discovered in Madhya Pradesh and Gopaksetra inscriptions.

According to Rudolf Hoernle (1905), the Kachhwahas are related to the Gurjara-Pratiharas. He identifies similarities between the names of the line of rulers of Kannauj (mid-10th century) with the recorded line of eight Kachwaha rulers of Gwalior (based on the Sas-Bahu inscription of Mahipal).

After Sumitra, Madhubramh, Kanh, Devanik and Isha Singh ruled Narwar. The Sas-Bahu inscription dates to 1093, and provides a genealogy of the ruling family up to Mahipal (who died sometime before 1104).

Sub-Clans of Kachwaha's

Descendants of "Delan", second son of Raja Dulah Rai, are known as Delanot. Lahar was their main Thikana.
Descendants of "Bikal", third son of Raja Dulah Rai. Went to Bhind in MP, and Jalon UP.
Descendants of "Jhama", son of Alaghrai and grandson of Raja Kankil Dev. Med and Kundal were their main Thikanas.
Descendants of Ghelan, son of Raja Kankil Dev. Went to Gwalior, Rampura, and Orissa
Descendant of Ralan, son of Raja Kankil Dev. Lived in Manoharpur during time of Nainsi.
Descendants of "Delan", fourth son of Raja Kankil Dev. Went to Gwalior.
Descendants of Jeetal, son of Raja Malayasi Dev.
Talcheer ka Kachawaha
Descendants of Bagha, Bhola, and Naro, sons of Raja Bijal Dev. Went to Katak in Orissa and found new kingdom.
Alnot (Jogi Kachawa)
Descendants of Alan, son of Raja Kuntal Dev.
Pradhan Kachawa
Descendants of Bhinvasi and Lakhansi, sons of Raja Pajawan Dev are known as Pradhan.
Descendants of Sanwat, son of Raja Rajdev.
Descendants of Khinvraj, son of Pala and grandson of Raja Rajdev.
Descendant of "Siha", son of Raja Rajdev.
Descendant of "Bikasi", son of Raja Rajdev. They have many "Khanps" (Sub sub-clans)
Descendant of "Pila", son of Raja Rajdev.
Bhojrajpota (Radharaka)
Descendant of "Bhojraj", son of Raja Rajdev are known as Bhojrajpota, Radharaka is one of their Khanp. Bikapota, Gadh ka, Sanwatsipota are other Khanps (Branches)
Descendants of Vikramsi", son of Raja Rajdev.

Descendant of "Khinvraj", son of Raja Kilhan Dev.
Descendants of "Dasharath", great grandson of Raja Rajdev.
Descendants of "Badhawa", grandson of Raja Kuntal Dev.
Descendants of "Jasraj", son of Raja Kilhan Dev.
Hammirde ka
Descendant of "Hammir Dev", son of Raja Kuntal Dev.
Descendants of "Napa" or Mehapa, son of Raja Kuntal Dev.
Descendants of "Bhakhar", son of Bhadasi and grandson of Raja Kuntal Dev.
Descendants of "Sarawan", son of Kuntal Dev.
Descendants of "Jeetmal", son of Raja Kuntal Dev. Napa was among descendants of Jeetmal.
Tungya Kachawa
Descendants of Tungya, son of Raja Kuntal Dev.
Descendants of "Suja", son of Raja Kuntal Dev.
Descendants of "Dhiro", son of Khinvraj and grandson of Raja Kuntal Dev.
Descendants of "Ugra", who was descendant of Jaskaran, son of Raja Junasi Dev.
Descenants of "Someshwar", son of Raja Kilhan Dev. Ranawat, Baghawat, Chittorika, etc. are other khanps.
Descendants of "Singha" ji fourth son Of Raja Junsi Dev.
Descendants of "Kumbha" ji, third son of Raja Junsi Dev. One of the Bara Kothris of Jaipur.
Descendants of Rao "Naru" son of Rao Meraj and grandson of Rao Barsingh. Barsingh was eldest son of Raja Udaikaran. Dasawat, Lalawat, Ratanawat are their Khanps.
Descendants of Melak son of Sawant Singh, who was son of Rao Barsingh Dev.
Descendants of "Rao Shekha" ji. Shekha ji was son of Rao Mokal ji, and grandson of Rao Balo ji, who was third son of Raja Udaikaran of Amber. Taknet, Ladkhani, Raojika, Bhojrajika, Girdharjika etc. are their khanps.
Descendants of "Khinvraj", "Govind Das" and "Natha", sons of Balaji. They favoured Raja Chandrasen during his conflict with Shekhaji.
Descendants of "Moka", son of Bala ji.
Descendats of worrier works and Son of Bahadur Bhiswamal Kumar
Descendants of "Bhila", son of Bala ji.
Descendants of "Binjha", son of Bala ji.
Descendants of "Sanga", son of Bala ji.
Descendants of "Jeeta", son of Dungar Singh and grandson of Bala ji.
Descendants of "Shivbramh", fourth son of Raja Udaikaran. One of the Bara Kothris.
Descendants of "Patal", fifth son of Raja Udaikaran.
Descendants of "Peethal", sixth son of Raja Udaikaran.
Samod ka Kachawa
Descendants of "Napa", seventh son of Raja Udaikaran.
Descendants of Younger sons of Raja Banveer of Amber. One of the Bara Kothris. Birampota, Mengalpota, Harjika are their khanps.
Descendants of "Kumbha", son of Raja Chandrasen of Amber.
Bhimpota (Narwar Kachawa)
Descendants Raja Bhim, his son Askaran was granted Jagir of Narwar By Akbar Badshah.
Descendants of "Pachyan", son of Raja Prithviraj. One of the Bara Kothris.
Descendant of Rao "Khangar", son of Jagmal who was son of Raja Prithviraj. One of the Bara Kothris.
Descendants of "Ramchandra", son of Jagmal. Ramchandra went to Kashmir with Raja Bhagwant Das and settled there. They were called Dogra therea.
Descendants of "Surtan", son of Raja Prithviraj. One of the Bara Kothris.
Descendants of "Chaturbhuj", son of Raja Prithviraj. One of the Bara Kothris.
Descendants of "Balbhadra", son of Raja Prithviraj. One of the Bara Kothris.
Descendants of "Pratap", son of Raja Prithviraj.
Descendants of "Ramsingh", son of Raja Prithviraj.
Descendants of "Bhika", son of Raja Prithviraj.
Descendants of "Natha", son of Gopal and grandson of Raja Prithviraj. One of Bara Kothris.
Descendants of "Bagha", son of Gopal and grandson of Raja Prithviraj.
Descendant of "Devkaran", son of Gopal and grandson of Raja Prithviraj.
Descendants of "Kalyan", son of Raja Prithviraj. One of the Bara kothris.
Descendants of "Saindas", son of Raja Prithviraj.
Descendants of "Rup Singh", son of Raja Prithviraj.
Descendants of Raja "Puranmal" of Amber. One of the Bara Kothris.
Descendants of "Bhagwan Das", son of Raja Bharmal and younger brother of Raja Bhagwant Das who got the Jagir of Lawan. It is also said the title "Bankey Raja" was bestowed by the Mughal ruler as a recognition for show of valour in battle.
Descendants of Raja Bhagwant Das. Other sub clans also use Rajawat as surname. Kirtisinghot, Durjansinghot, Jujharsinghot etc. are their khanps.
Descendants of "Jagannath", son of Raja Bharmal.
Descendants of "Salhedi", son of Raja Bharmal.
Descendants of "Sardool", son of Raja Bharmal.
Descendants of "Sundardas", son of Raja Bharmal.
Decendences from Alwar state (five Thikans- Mehru, Nimera, Khera, Tilanju, Kerwaliya).